Call for Abstracts
2025 EHS HAZMAT Summit  September 9-11, 2025 | Louisville, KY
(Pre-Conference sessions on September 8)
We will accept abstracts for AHMP’s 2025 EHS HAZMAT Summit conference from January 1 through April 18, 2025.
Why Submit An Abstract?
- Showcase Your Knowledge: Share your valuable insights and technical solutions with an audience eager to learn and grow.
- Earn Certification Maintenance Points: Keep your credentials up-to-date while contributing to the professional landscape by earning points for attending and presenting.
- Network with Peers: Connect with like-minded professionals and expand your network in our industry!
- Exclusive Speaker Discount: Speakers receive a special discount of 30% off the registration rate.
You will have the option to pick various formats from one-hour technical sessions, longer mini-seminars or workshops, poster sessions, and pre-conference workshops. A special room will be set aside for conference sponsors and exhibitors to demo or showcase their offerings.
Applications are due by April 18, 2025. If you have questions, please email Eric Johnson or call 505-697-1985.
The abstracts – limited to 500 words in length – must include a clear description of the technical session or workshop. The following information is required to complete the online submission:
- Title of the presentation (50 words max) and level of content (beginning, intermediate, or advanced)
- Learning objectives (250 words max)
- Recommended track or tracks (up to three) that best represent the presentation
- Each author’s name, title, organization, address, telephone number, and email address
- Biography of the presenter(s) (150 words max)
Presenters can choose from the following tracks (up to three) that apply to the presentation:
Example Topics:
- Circular Economy
- Reuse/Recycling (water, waste, plastic, e-waste, etc.)
- Sustainability
- Integration of EHS and ESG
- Climate Change initiatives
- Carbon emissions calculation and reporting challenges and solutions
- Zero Net Carbon Reduction Strategies (solar, wind, water reuse, product replacement, etc.)
Digital Technology
Example Topics:
- Data Management and Data Analytics
- Technology Showcase (For exhibitors/sponsors to demonstrate their technologies)
- Field Data Collection tools
- 3D CSM Visualizations
- Gamifying training requirements with VR Training
- AI and Generative AI capabilities in EHS and Hazmat
- Digital Twin
- Stakeholder Engagement technologies
- Lab Data Management strategies
- Sustainability software
- EHS Software Solutions
EHS Compliance/Issues
Example Topics:
- Compliance Reporting and Plan Preparation
- Waste Management and Reporting
- Air Permitting and Compliance
- Health and Safety Programs and Case Studies
- ISO Standards and EMS
- Stormwater Management
- SPCC Plan Requirements
- Industrial Hygiene and Exposure Challenges
- Training Requirements: Solutions and Challenges
- Environmental Planning
- Permitting
- NEPA Process and Documentation
- Natural Resources
- Clean Water Act Sections 404/401
Hazmat/Emergency Response
Example Topics:
- Preparedness Plans and Drills
- Case Studies
- Hazcom updates
- Hazmat training
- Incident Command System procedures and challenges (i.e. Oil & Gas and Railroad industries)
- Technology innovations that support ER events
Regulatory Update
Example Topics:
- Regulatory updates
- Current regulatory challenges
- Pending regulations
- New consensus standards
Emerging Contaminants
Example Topics:
- Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Treatment and Disposal options
- PFAS Regulatory updates
- Emerging Contaminants
Remediation Technologies
Example Topics:
- Remediation Technologies and Strategies (Case Studies, etc)
- In-situ Thermal Treatment Technologies
- In-situ Injection Amendments
- Bioremediation
Professional Development and Business Growth
Example Topics:
- Business Development and Marketing Strategies (ideas to help small businesses grow their business, LinkedIn marketing and content posting, etc)
- Training tools
- Website designs
- Content creation (video, podcast, Canva, etc.)
- Finding a Mentor
- Interview Skills
- Pay Negotiations
- Scheduling and Time Management
- Budget Management
- Proposal Preparation
- Networking
- Leadership
- Mental Health, Work/Life Balance, Stress Management
Vendor Showcase for Exhibitors/Sponsors
Example Topics:
- Vendor Showcase (Vendors spend time describing, displaying, and demonstrating their goods and services beyond booth time; may involve vendor sales discussions)
- New Technology (software, compliance, equipment, and demonstrations)