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Call for Volunteers NMSHMM is actively recruiting volunteers to help serve on the Board of Directors, committees, plan membership events, and help mold the NMSHMM Chapter to fit the needs of our Members. We are looking for people to help with technical meetings, membership outreach, volunteer activities, webpage/newsletter content, and much, much more... If you or a colleague is interested in participating in NMSHMM leadership, please reach out to anyone in the current NMSHMM Leadership and/or talk to NMSHMM Leadership at an upcoming Technical Meeting or other NMSHMM event.
Your Expertise Wanted NM ASSP Zia Section Chair, Ms. Juanita Miller, is requesting your expertise, experiences, and lessons learned in laboratory management and Experimental Safety Plans (ESPs). Ms. Miller is specifically requesting collaboration with colleagues from diverse and complex organizations such as LANL, SNL, NREL, NNSA, UNM, etc. in association with her efforts to streamline documentation and training requirements within the Chemical Engineering Department at NMSU. Share your expertise within our NM ASSP community and collaborate with fellow ASSP Leaders.